Transformers Sunday School is a program every Sunday for children ages 4 - 11. All children participate in the main worship service until the sermon presentation. At that time (usually 10:00 a.m.) they go to their own class for age-appropriate Bible lessons and activities.
Nursery - at this time there is a nursery room provided for parents with children under 4 years of age on Sundays, however, please note that no volunteer supervision is provided.
GO2 (God is our One and Only) is a children’s event that happens every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month, at 7:15 p.m. At this time children (kindergarten - grade 6) will explore themes and stories of the Bible, join together to sing, play games with each other, and work on arts & crafts. If you want more information, please contact the church office or Lana Choi at