God loves a cheerful giver.  But why would a Christian want to cheerfully give financial donations to a church, or another charity, or a person?  Here are some of the answers we have come up with at Oakridge Baptist Church.  We should give cheerfully because:

  1. God commands us to (Malachi 3.10; 2 Corinthians 9.7).
  2. Giving is an act of love (2 Corinthians 8.7-9).
  3. Giving acknowledges God's ownership of our lives (Deuteronomy 8.18; Psalm 24.1; Matthew 25.14-15).
  4. Giving will keep us from lusting after money (1 Timothy 6.10).
  5. Giving is God's way of supporting the ministries of the church and for caring for the less fortunate in life (1 Corinthians 16.1-3;James 2.14-17).
  6. Giving is a sound investment (Matthew 6.19-20).

So consider being a cheerful giver.  You will experience great joy and blessing as you do.

Ways to Give

Interac e-Transfer

It is now possible to contribute your tithes and offerings using Interac e-Transfer. To do this, register the email address giving@oakridgebaptistchurch.ca with your banking institution. It is an ‘auto deposit’, no need for any verification. If you have questions on how to do this, please contact Janet in the church office.

Cheque or Cash

Cheques can be placed inside a regular mailing envelope and mailed/dropped off to the church at:

Oakridge Baptist Church
6261 Cambie Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Z 3B2

If you would like to make your offerings/tithes in cash, please seal it up in an offering envelope to be dropped off at the church office.

  • Your offering envelope number, contact information, and the total amount of your giving should be on the envelope, or on a piece of paper inside the envelope
  • Drop-off can be made on Monday to Friday 9-5 by calling ahead to the church office at 604 327 3500

Mailing cash is not recommended.


Tithe.ly is an online giving platform to securely enter your credit card information. This allows you to make an offering by credit card right now, or to set up ongoing gifts at regular intervals scheduled at your convenience. Tithe.ly takes 3.3% of the giving as a processing fee.

Click Here To Give using Tithe.ly

Powered and secured by Tithe.ly Church Giving